Her Twin Wilde Cowboy Masters [Wilde, Nevada] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 13
She nodded, remaining still.
“I’ll go get her bath ready, bro. You fill her in on the basics.” Wade exited for the bathroom.
He walked up to her and cupped her chin. “Safe words. What do you know about them?”
She blinked. “They stop the Dominant from going too far.”
That wasn’t the way he wanted her to look at it. “Sort of. The most powerful thing about this kind of sexual play is trust. It’s the crux, the hinge, the very fabric of our lifestyle. Trust. You, as a submissive, must trust your Doms, me and Wyatt. Understand?”
She nodded. “Yes.”
“But we, as Dominants, must earn your trust. We also have to trust you. Our job is to watch every little physical or vocal nuance from you that tells us we’re going just far enough, pushing your boundaries, yes, but not too far, not over your limits.” Wyatt could tell he had her interest. “I’m excellent at reading body language, and so is Wade. You’ll feel us get inside your head and you’ll love it. But even as good as we are, we’ve only each been with you one time and then outside the scope of D/s. It will take time to understand all the clues your body and breaths give us. That’s the reason for the safe word. We’ll be asking you how you’re feeling constantly. You’ll almost find it a nuisance at times, but it is necessary, especially early on.”
She stood there blinking, her cheeks growing red with excitement. The perfect little sub.
“Let’s use the colors of a traffic light to start. Later, we might change our words to fit our needs, but not tonight.”
“You think we’re going to do this again?” she asked sheepishly.
Wade came back in the room. “Only if you love it, sweetheart.”
“She’ll love it,” he told his brother.
“I’m not sure I can be in this kind of relationship, guys,” Mackenzie said. “Fooling around is one thing, but thinking this is something…something it isn’t is silly.”
His gut tightened. This was much more than fooling around to him. She was his. She was his brother’s. No doubt about it. But was she? They’d had sex, sure, but had they won her heart? Apparently not.
“I’m not judging how the families in this town are put together. It’s just that I’m not sure it will work for me. Part of my childhood was spent in a poly family back in Denver. My grandfather had two wives. We loved them all and they loved us, but it was often hard on me and Trent growing up in that kind of home.”
Clearly, this was something intimate she told few, if any. He loved that she was sharing such a private memory with them. “Why was it hard, Mac?”
“The neighbor kid’s parents were cruel to us. None of our friends ever spent the night at our house, and we were never invited to theirs.” Her voice shook as obvious old hurts were welling up inside her. “That’s tough on children, don’t you think?”
Wyatt hated that Mackenzie’s childhood made her fear the poly life. The outside world’s intolerance and cruelty didn’t make a lick of sense to him. “It must’ve been.” He cupped her chin. “That’s a lot for a little girl to deal with, but that’s not how things work here in Wilde, sweetheart.”
Wade put his arm around her. “Wyatt and I grew up in the same kind of family but with multiple dads, not moms. It was wonderful. As you already know, most families around here are the same. Poly is the norm in Wilde. There are some couples here, too. Whether couple, triple, quadruple, whatever, no one looks down on any family. Love is what binds people together. That’s all that matters.”
Mackenzie looked so sad. “When you say it that way, I want to believe you, but it’s hard after growing up the way I did.”
“What you need is a little convincing, and we’re happy to do it.” Wade turned to him. “I think a little Dom romance is appropriate.”
“Dom romance?” she asked.
Wyatt wasn’t sure what his brother meant either. Romance skills weren’t either his or Wade’s best talents. Perhaps that had been the reason they’d settled into being in the roles of resident Doms at The Masters’ Chambers. No commitment.
“A little pain-and-pleasure play, sweetheart. You’ll see.” His brother sent him a knowing wink.
Wyatt was glad to see her face soften, the worry being replaced, at least a little, by curiosity.
Being a Dom who trained new subs had worked for years, but he knew deep down it would never work again. Not after Mackenzie. She was the only woman he’d ever want to be with from now on.
Still, being a Dom was more than natural to him. It was a part of his very DNA. He’d never had some terrible childhood that had contributed to it. No tragic event that pushed him into the life. No. He and his twin had experienced an idyllic life. Loving parents. A roof over their heads. Food on the table. And yes, lots of times for fun.
Sure, many Doms found the life fit them because of past pain, but not he or Wyatt. They just liked giving women a pleasure ride that was considered kinky to some but was like riding a bike for him. It might be tough, but if he had misread Mackenzie, if she didn’t have a submissive streak, if it wasn’t deep in her DNA, he would toss BDSM aside for her. It would be difficult to do, but how could he not? She was his woman. He was certain Wade would do the same if it came to that.
“Tell me about the color thing again,” she said, sitting down on the sofa and folding her hands in her lap. Her gaze darted back and forth from him to Wade.
He hadn’t read her wrong. She might need training, but she was a sub, thank God. She definitely was getting excited about the lesson.
“We’ll tell you the rest after you bathe.” Wade held out his hand for her to take. “I don’t want the water to get cold.”
“You’re both coming with me?”
“You know we are,” he said as he felt his cock harden and his balls grow heavy.
She grinned, and his heart thudded in his chest. She’s ours. We just have to make her see that no matter what it takes.
* * * *
Mac took Wade’s hand and stood up. He led her to the bathroom, and Wyatt followed behind. Her heart was racing. She’d dreamed of this since these two had relentlessly started flirting with her weeks ago. Denying them anything they requested—correction, commanded—was next to impossible. She’d learned to trust them in the past couple of days.
Why was it so easy to let them take care of her, to give in to their demands, to trust them? Maybe it was because of exhaustion, and she didn’t have any energy to resist. She hadn’t slept much in the past few days.
When she walked into the bathroom, she couldn’t believe her eyes. It looked like an oasis of candles, steam, warm water, and plush towels. Soft music, coming from some hidden speakers she couldn’t see, added to the ambiance. “How did you put this together so quickly?”
“It’s just one of my many talents,” Wade said.
Maybe she was diving into the cowboys’ wicked offer because deep down having this fantasy was just too irresistible. The truth was she’d been dreaming about what it would be like to enjoy a ménage with the Masters twins for some time.
“This seems terribly soft and normal from what I’ve read about D/s play.”
“I’m not sure what you read,” Wyatt interjected. “There’s a lot of crap on the Internet. We’ll get you some books from the library at the club. They’re quite good and informative.”
“I’d like that,” she admitted. Since arriving in Wilde, she’d been so intrigued about the lifestyle many in this town observed. The community didn’t judge things that went on in people’s bedrooms—or at the club for that matter. The many shades of sexuality were welcome in this small Nevada town. No recrimination. Pursuing one’s own happiness seemed to mean more here than any of the many places she’d visited around the world.
“Finish the safe word discussion with her, bro, while I get her ready for her bath,” Wade said.
“I can do that myself.” By the shakes of their heads, she knew instantly she’d made a mistake.
Wyatt put his hand on her
shoulders. “We’ll guide you, and all you have to do is let us. Okay?”
She nodded, excitement welling up inside her like a fountain. Wade stood in front of her and pressed his lips on hers. “He’s right. You’re doing great.”
She liked hearing their approval. It made her warm and tingly.
“Let’s get you undressed,” he said, and began methodically removing her clothes.
There were many reasons she was willing to follow these men, these so very sexy men, to whatever pleasure-filled destination they had in store for her, but the real reason, the reason that was deep and rooted in her very being, was she needed them.
As Wade unclasped her bra and Wyatt continued his instructions about safe words, she thought about how her whole life had been one long push and pull, tug and shove, advance and retreat. But after being with Wyatt and Wade, for the first time in her life, she could just be.
They were so kind, so protective, so strong, so attentive, and so very male. It spoke to the part of her that she had difficulty letting out—her feminine side.
Wade stepped back, took a long scan of her, and smiled. “Look at you. God, you are beautiful, Mackenzie.”
She shivered, not from a chill, but from excitement. She covered her breasts with her arms.
“No,” the twin cowboys said in unison.
Even before her mind could react, her arms fell to her side.
“Very good,” Wyatt said. “Any questions about safe words?”
His lesson wasn’t difficult to understand. Whenever she needed to stop them in their tracks, all she had to do was say “red,” to get them to back off “yellow,” to tell them she was good to go “green.” Besides the safe word, she could use her fingers to “tap out” if she couldn’t find her voice.
“No,” she said, adding “…Sir.” Clearly, she had learned at least a few things from her research about BDSM since both of them smiled broadly at that last syllable.
“Time to get you cleaned up for what comes next,” Wade stated in a deeper tone than she’d heard from him before. She liked it very much.
“What comes next?”
“Patience, sub. Patience.” Wyatt moved behind her and pressed his body, still clothed, into her nakedness. His hard cock was pressed against the small of her back through his jeans.
“Are you a cowboy or a devil, Wyatt Masters?” Her jaw dropped, realizing she shouldn’t have said that to him.
He laughed. “Bro, we have a little brattiness we’re going to have to deal with.”
“I think you’re right. It’s going to be quite fun.”
Wyatt’s hands cupped her breast, and she leaned back into him. “I’m both devil and cowboy, sub. You’ll see.” Using his fingers, he pinched her nipples, delivering a sweet sting, sending a shock that reached all the way to her clit. It began to throb in unison with her taut breasts’ tips.
“Fair is fair. Shouldn’t you two be naked, too?” She wanted to see their steely bodies, their ripped abdomens, their mouthwatering muscles again.
“Funny, Mackenzie,” Wyatt said.
“Why not, bro?” Wade grabbed a towel from the shelf. “Can’t blame her for wanting a show. Besides, I think it will help keep her in the mood.”
“You’re spoiling her already,” he stated flatly.
She liked the banter between them. It was electrifying, and she could feel her skin warming.
“Maybe. Later, we can introduce her to discipline. For now, a softer touch is in order. Besides, I want to get in the tub with her.” Wade began to undress.
Wyatt held out his hand. “Turn over your Dom card.”
“There are cards?” she asked.
They both laughed.
No cards. Good to know.
Wade shook his head. “She’s going to ruin both of us.” He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, revealing his bare savage chest.
Anticipation and nervousness reeled through her, and she dropped her gaze.
She felt Wyatt’s hand move from her breast to her chin, forcing her to face Wade. “You asked for a striptease, sub. You will watch it. Understand?”
“Yes, Sir.” The words fell so naturally from her lips, watching Wade remove his boots and socks.
Wyatt continued massaging her breasts, which was making her body burn.
Wade took his time stripping, clearly hoping to tease her into a state of frenzy. It was working quite nicely.
Next to come off was his belt. He snaked it out of the loops of his jeans painfully slow. Her mouth watered.
He stepped up and placed the black leather strap on her cheek. “You like the feel of my belt, sub?” His tone was dangerous and promising.
“Yes, Sir.” She choked the words out.
“Wait till you feel it on your ass.”
As if on cue, Wyatt moved both his hands to her backside and squeezed. “I can’t wait to see this bottom nice and pink, can you, bro?”
“It’s going to look amazing.”
Wade stepped back and unbuttoned the top button of his jeans. Another button. And another. Slow. Drawn out. By the time his fly was parted and she could see he wasn’t wearing underwear, she was a hot mess of desire.
She stared at his massive cock jutting up well past the waistline of his pants. She’d had that monster inside her body the day before, but she didn’t recall it looking so big, so thick, so long then. Had it grown? Not possible.
As Wyatt’s fingers feathered her skin until it was ripe with gooseflesh, Wade lowered his pants in a deliberate fashion. His legs were like two muscled hairy pillars.
“Look at his cock, sub. Take it all in,” Wyatt commanded from behind her, licking her neck.
There was a patch of dark hair that made him look even more dangerous somehow.
“I should’ve pursued my dream of being a male stripper,” he teased. “What do you think, Mackenzie? Is it too late for me to be a star?”
His erect cock and large balls swung from side to side as he gave her a lurid dance.
“Most definitely.”
“Sub, go explore his body. Touch him. Kiss him. Lick him.” Wyatt removed his hands from her.
“Yes, Sir.” Her body was abuzz, alive, and burning. She stepped forward and lightly touched his chest. It was rock solid. His nipples were hard, and she leaned her head in and licked them.
“Feels good,” he confessed. “Real good.”
“More, sub. Make him crazy. Make him want you more than air. You can do it.” By the sounds behind her, she knew Wyatt was undressing.
Suckling on his nipples, she moved her fingertips down to his abdomen, a shredded masterpiece, to the head of his cock. With her index finger, she found the slit which was slick with pre-cum.
Wade stroked her hair, and she could hear his breathing deepen. “My brother likes to watch you.”
She looked behind her and saw Wyatt, completely naked, stroking his cock.
“That I do. I will never tire of it.” His stare reminded her of a hungry predator. “Get on your knees, now.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Wait,” Wade said. He placed a towel on the tiled floor for her. “Now, you can do as he commanded, sub.”
She nodded and dropped to the floor. She cupped his balls with one hand and wrapped her other one around his shaft.
“That’s it. That’s our girl,” Wyatt said, sounding like an animal ready to pounce and capture.
Wade pressed his hands on the back of her head and urged her forward with the slightest pressure. She swept her tongue up his cock’s full length unhurriedly, landing on the tip and tasting the salty slickness that coated it.
The growl Wade made thrilled her.
“What a sweet mouth you have,” Wade said.
His compliment pleased her.
“Swallow his cock, sub. Do it now,” Wyatt instructed.
She nodded, keeping her tongue darting over Wade’s bulbous cockhead. Opening her mouth wide, she took it in.
“Relax your throat. Take your time,�
�� Wade said.
Her lips tightened, and she gulped down every inch of his dick until soft pubes, his pubes, tickled her nose.
“Fucking incredible,” Wyatt whispered in a tone of awe.
Wade tugged on her hair, causing her to bob upon the length of his stiffness. More of his pre-cum coated her throat, encouraging her to suck harder.
“I’m close,” Wade admitted, continuing to pull on her locks.
“Drink all of him, sub,” Wyatt instructed. “Don’t waste a drop.”
She wanted that more than anything. Wade had given her so much, and now it was her turn to give back to him, to feed on his very essence. She squeezed his balls gently, and Wade moaned.
“He’s right there. Don’t stop, love. Make him shoot.” Wyatt rubbed his hand down her spine.
Wade’s hands tightened on the back of her head. He grunted, and his entire body stiffened as he rewarded her with a liquid release.
She let go of his balls and shaft and grabbed his muscled ass, trying to hold on to every drop. She could feel the pulse of his release in her throat, and she drank down all of it.
Wade let out a long manly sigh and released her hair. “What color state are you in, Mackenzie?”
“Green. I’m good, Sir.”
Wade helped her back on her feet. “Wyatt, she’s got quite the gift with her mouth. A natural talent. Want a go?”
She turned around and looked at the mirror image of Wade. He’d been stroking his cock earlier, but now his hands were behind his head. His cock was still hard.
“God, I almost shot my load just watching her. I know I’m going to have to wait for the real pleasure I’m after—getting inside her sweet pussy. Right now, her bathwater has cooled.” He turned on the faucet, adding hot water to the now-tepid bath. “We promised her a bath.”
“That we did.”
Wade kissed her neck as Wyatt got the water to a temperature that had steam once again dancing on the surface.
“Let’s help her into the tub, bro,” Wyatt said.
“I can get in on my own, cowboys.”