Swept Away in Wilde [Wilde, Nevada Beginnings 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8
Chapter Thirteen
Riding along the side of the pavement of the road on Suicide Hill, Dan looked over his shoulder at Mary, who was atop his mother’s horse. “My brothers told me you already seem like you were born in the saddle. I can see they were right.”
Her smile made her look even more beautiful in the midmorning light. “It’s all because of this girl. Right, Rosie? You’re the one doing all the work. I also didn’t know how much fun it was to ride.”
“Now that you have the itch, you’ll want to take Rosie out as much as possible.” He patted Star on the neck. “I know I still do and I’ve been riding my whole life.” One of the first things I’m going to do after we get her to stay in Wilde is find Mary her own horse.
“Why do they call this Suicide Hill?” she asked. “Did someone kill themselves here?”
“A guy passing through town who had too much to drink rolled his car and went over the hill into the ravine. No one was sure if he lost control or actually did it on purpose. My dads told me it happened way back in the 1920s. The tragic memory has stayed with my town all these years. The mothers of Wilde were the ones who gave the hill its name. To this very day that story is retold to teenagers as an example of the importance of safe driving.”
“I bet it’s quite effective. I think I might want to look back into that story. Do you know what the victim’s name was?”
“I don’t, but I’m sure it is on file at the sheriff’s office.”
“You have a local newspaper in town?”
“Wonders of Wilde has been published here since the mine opened.”
“Good. When we get back to town I would like to visit the paper’s office.”
“I bet WOW could use a top-notch reporter like you.”
She grinned. “You and your brothers seem determined on getting me to lengthen my stay, aren’t you?”
“Lengthen your stay?” He looked her straight in the eyes. “We’re determined to get you to move here, Mary. Permanently. We want you to make Wilde your home.”
“I must admit it’s very appealing and I am considering it.”
That was music to his ears. He reined Star to a stop. “Here’s where we leave the road, Mary.”
The trail to Overlook Ridge appeared between two lines of trees beside the pavement.
“That little path?”
“That’s the one. It’s a difficult ride. Pretty steep, but you’ve got the skills to make the trek. Rosie, Star, and I will be with you the entire way. It’s worth it. You’ll see.”
“You hear that, Rosie? I’m counting on you, girl. Do you promise to get me there safe?”
His mom’s horse bobbed her head up and down.
“If Rosie is game, then so am I. Lead the way, Dan.”
“Nice and slow.”
It took them about fifteen minutes to get up to the ridge.
When they rode out of the trees, Mary gasped. “Oh my God, this is unbelievable. You can see forever up here. Look at those mountains. Is that snow on their tops?”
He smiled. “It is.”
“And that river down below. It looks like a little blue ribbon. Spectacular.” She turned to him. “Thank you for bringing me here. I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
They dismounted, and he tied Rosie and Star to a nearby tree, giving them enough rein so that they could graze on the grass.
Mary brought out her camera and started snapping pictures. “How far down to the valley below?”
“Two thousand feet.”
“To the north you can see Idaho.” He stretched out the blanket on the ground and placed the basket with their lunch on top of it.
“Dan, how far are we to the state line?”
He loved seeing her get so excited about being here. “As the crow flies…about fifteen miles. By road, twenty-six. Whenever you’re ready to have lunch, just let me know. Take all the time you need to soak everything in.”
“I would need a lifetime to do that,” she said.
“Now you’re talking. Another reason you should move to Wilde.”
“You and your brothers are relentless.” She smiled and walked over. “What’s for lunch?”
He opened the basket and pulled out the portable cassette player. “Salad, turkey & cheese sandwiches, fruit, cashews, and red wine. There’s also a couple of slices of chocolate cake in here.”
“Yummy. Do all you guys cook?”
“Actually, I don’t. I never got into cooking, always preferring to be the cleanup man.”
She sat down beside him. “Living in your own home, what do you eat?”
“Mom’s leftovers and TV dinners. Or I go to town and eat at the diner or the grill.” He poured her a glass of wine and handed it to her. “What kind of music do you like to dine by?”
“You’ve thought of everything. I like all kinds. You pick.”
“How about soft jazz?”
“That would be perfect.”
He popped in the tape, and the instrumental song began to play. “I’m really glad you’re here with me, Mary.”
“I am, too.”
“I have a very personal question I need to ask you.” He watched her eyes widen, which pleased him.
“You can ask, but I’m not sure I will answer it.”
“It’s very important. When did you learn to speak horse? Did you take it in college?”
She laughed and punched him lightly on the shoulder. “You’re a devil, Mr. Daniel Wilde.”
“No, I’m serious.” He grinned. “You and Rosie were having a conversation back on the road.”
“I’m a natural because I love her.”
He grabbed her hand. “And I love you. So do my brothers.”
“Don’t say that,” she said, her face turning red. “It’s too soon for those words.”
“No it isn’t too soon. This is the perfect time.”
“But it isn’t possible for you to know that. For either of us to know that.” She took a deep breath, and then her gaze locked with his eyes. “We just met a few days ago. This is crazy.”
“Not in Wilde. We don’t put limits on love. Sometimes falling in love can take years. Other times a few months. Even weeks. And on rare occasion, love arrives the moment people meet like a bolt of lightning. That’s how it was for me when I saw you at the diner. That’s how it was for Craig and Dillon, too. We love you, Mary. With all our hearts.” He leaned over and kissed her tenderly.
When she wrapped her arms around his neck, he couldn’t have been happier. “I don’t know what to say to all of this, Dan.”
“How about saying ‘I love you, too’?”
She smiled. “Easier said than done, I’m afraid.”
“Let me help you with that. I’m a great coach.” He stroked her hair. “Shape your lips like this. Then just let it out. I. Say it with me.”
She laughed. “Really?”
“Yes, really. I.”
“This is silly.”
“Maybe so, sweetheart, but humor me. Once you’ve said it out loud it will be that much easier the second time, and easier still the third time. And so on. Let’s go again. I.”
“Dan, I just can’t say that right now.”
“Okay. I’ve got an idea. Take my hand,” he told her, seeing the sparkle in her eyes.
She smiled and grabbed his hand.
He walked her to the edge of Overlook Ridge. “Repeat after me.” He yelled, “I love you!” The echo repeated it back several times.
“That’s amazing.”
“Your turn, Mary.”
She shook her head.
“Come on. Do it. You won’t regret it.”
She faced the ravine and yelled, “I love this place. I love Wilde. And I really, really, really like Dan Wilde.” She laughed as her words returned again and again.<
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“Don’t be afraid, sweetheart. Your heart is safe with us.”
“I do like you, Dan. I like you very much. But I just got out of a terrible relationship.”
“My brothers told me about your ex and what he did to you.” He put his arm around her. “That bastard will never hurt you again as long as my brothers and I are around. Trust me. You already know how the three of us are. We wouldn’t lay a hand on you. That’s not how things are done here. When you go to the newspaper office, you won’t find one case of domestic abuse or violence anywhere in Wilde. It just doesn’t happen here. Ever. Our women are our treasures, our queens.”
“I believe you. I see how your dads treat your mom.”
“If you’re not ready to say the words, that’s okay with me. I will wait as long as it takes, sweetheart. But I promise you this, that Craig, Dillon, and I will never give up. We love you. You are meant to be with us.” He pulled her in close and kissed her again. “I swear to you, Mary Kincaid, I will do whatever it takes to earn your love. I’ve never met any woman like you before. You’re my dream come true.”
Her eyes welled up. “And you are mine. You and your brothers. I’m tired of being afraid, Dan. Here it goes.” She took a deep breath and then whispered softly, “I love you.”
Hearing her words thrilled him.
Once again, he kissed her. “I love you, sweetheart.”
She smiled and repeated in a louder tone. “I love you more.”
“Oh you think so.” He laughed. “I love you to Idaho and back.”
“Ha. I love you to the moon and back.” Her words returned with a new echo.
“I love you for eternity.” Before she could speak, he pressed his lips to hers. When he released her, he saw her face was flushed. He led her back to the side of the blanket. Keeping hold of her, he bent down and replaced the jazz tape with another that had sexy songs.
Unbuttoning his shirt, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. “You’re mine, Mary. And I’m yours. Now, take off your clothes. I need to see all of your beautiful body.”
She grinned and started dancing in front of him. Her movements drove him mad with desire for her. She stepped forward and dragged her fingernails down his exposed chest. “You need to give me a show, too, Dan Wilde. Fair is fair.”
“You think so?”
“I love you. Show me you love me, too.”
He laughed. “Now who isn’t playing fair?”
“Let me help you. I’m a great coach, too. Move your hips like this.” She wiggled in front of him, and he felt a wave of heat that shot all the way down to his cock.
He tried to imitate her movements. “Like this?”
Breathlessly, she answered. “Just like that. Now follow my lead. Remove your shirt nice and slow.” Every instruction she gave him, she demonstrated. The joint strip tease continued until they were both dancing in front of each other completely naked.
With his temperature starting to boil, he danced up to her and pulled her into his arms. They melted into each other. Never removing his lips from hers, he guided her gently down onto their blanket.
“Mmm. So good,” she moaned.
He kissed her neck and began fondling her full breasts. She was so soft and delicate. He loved the feel of her skin. Loved her sweet jasmine aroma. Loved the taste of her lips. Loved her long, silky hair that framed her beautiful face.
Everything about her made him very excited, but he wanted to go slow, in order to enjoy their first time together. He wanted to make a beautiful memory that neither of them would ever forget.
Unhurried he tenderly kissed down each of her arms. His trail of kisses continued down her legs and then back up the inside of her thighs.
“Oh Dan. Dan. So good.”
He kissed her pussy lightly, tasting her cream on his lips. Slow down, Dan. Make her crazy with desire. He slid back up her body and swallowed her nipples. He felt her shiver underneath him.
She ran her hands through his hair. “Don’t stop. Please. Mmm.”
He circled her little buds with his tongue, capturing them between his teeth. He tightened his oral hold on them slightly.
“Oh God, that feels amazing. I need you inside me, Dan. Please. I need you so much.”
“Patience, sweetheart,” he said, though he didn’t feel like being patient. He wanted to thrust his hard dick into her gorgeous pussy, claiming her as his own. Continuing to worship her breasts with his mouth, he ran his hand down to her pussy, which was drenched with her cream. He lifted her legs over his shoulders and drank from her body, relishing her passionate juices.
“Please, Dan. I love you, but I can’t stand much more.” She started gasping and writhing on the blanket. “I’m on fire, Dan. I’m burning up.”
“So am I, sweetheart. So am I.” So much for taking things slow, but I know we’ll have the rest of our lives together.
He reached for his billfold and got out the foil package. He ripped it open and rolled the condom down his hard dick. He got on top of her and thrust his cock into her body. “God, you are so tight. Feels so good.”
“Mmm. So good. Yes.”
He plunged into her again and again. The friction of her pussy against his shaft was incredible. Every part of his body was engaged and on fire. “You’re mine, Mary. Mine.”
She clawed at his back, moaning loudly.
Lost to his hunger for her, he sped up the tempo of his thrusts into her sweet pussy.
“Ohhh, yes. Yes. Yes.” Her eyes closed. “Coming. I’m coming.”
He felt her pussy tighten on his cock. No longer able to hold back, he came inside the woman of his dreams, the woman he loved with all his heart.
Completely spent, he rolled to the side, keeping hold of her in his arms.
He kissed her gently. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too.” She smiled, but it quickly vanished. “But what about Dillon and Craig. I need to let them know how I feel.”
“They are going to be so pleased, sweetheart.”
She sat up. “Can we go to them now? I can’t wait another minute.”
“Absolutely, I’ll get everything gathered up. You relax.”
“The hell I will.” She laughed. “I’m going to help so we can get to them faster. I’m anxious to see them.”
“Me, too. I know where they are, and we can be there in under an hour if we hurry.”
Chapter Fourteen
Mary spotted Dillon and Craig atop their horses in the field. “Your brothers are over there, Dan.”
“I see them,” he said.
Dan had brought her from Overlook Ridge so she could tell Dillon and Craig how she felt. That she loved them. Maude would think she was being ridiculous. Her sister wasn’t one who believed in whirlwind romances. But Maude had never been in any serious relationship before. One summer fling was the longest. “Take your time, sis,” Maude always said to her about dating. “You don’t have to rush into anything.”
But unlike her sister, Mary followed her heart. Sometimes it got her into trouble, but like it or not, she couldn’t change. She couldn’t deny how she felt about the three Wilde brothers. She was totally in love with them. Understanding her feelings was impossible, but she knew it was so.
She leaned down and whispered to Rosie. “Come on, girl. Let’s get to those sexy cowboys.”
Rosie broke into a run, and Dan and Star followed.
Mary held onto the reins with one hand and the saddle horn with the other.
Dillon and Craig looked up with questioning eyes.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Dillon said.
“Hello, gorgeous.” Craig dismounted Captain. “Did you cut the interview short with Dan?”
“Yes. Well, no. I just had to talk to you both.” Completely excited and unable to hold back, she blurted out, “I love you. I love all three of you. I want to stay in Wilde. With you. I don’t know how this all works, but I want to find out. I want to see where it goes. I want…I want…I want a life with you.”<
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“I love you, too.” Craig helped her down off of Rosie and kissed her tenderly. “I don’t know how this happened. Dan, can you fill us in on this?”
Before Dan had a chance to answer, Dillon jumped off of Warrior. “I don’t know how this happened either, but I’m so happy it did. I need to hold our girl.” When Dillon pulled her in close, she melted into his frame. “I love you, sweetheart.” He pressed his lips to hers, and she felt so safe, so happy, so loved.
The three men surrounded her, enveloping her in their arms. The excitement continued to grow and grow inside her.
“Guys, we need to go tell Mom. Your mom and mine. She told me to call her ‘Mom.’ That’s okay with you, isn’t it?”
“Of course it’s okay with us, sweetheart,” Craig said with a laugh. “Now let’s go back to you saying how much you love us before we go tell Mom. I want to hear it again from your beautiful lips.”
“I do love you,” she confessed. “I love you, Craig. I love you, Dillon. I love you, Dan. It’s crazy. I know it is, but it’s true. How is such a thing possible after only knowing each other such a short time?”
“Who knows,” Dillon said. “But it is definitely possible. In fact, it is more than possible, because I love you, too, Mary.”
“We must go,” she said anxiously. “I want to talk to your parents about this right now. I can’t wait to tell them.”
“Dads won’t be home, angel,” Dillon said. “Pappy Jack and Pop Will are at the mine. Dad Tom is at the ranch. But Mom is home.”
Without hesitating, she jumped back on Rosie. “Let’s go then. I can’t wait to tell her I’m staying in Wilde and that we are going to start dating.”
“Dating? Damn, we’ve only really been on interviews with you.” Craig shook his head. “We need to take you on a proper date, sweetheart. The three of us. Wilde style. Tonight. What do you say?”
“I say ‘yes,’ but only after we talk to Mom, okay?”
“Of course,” the three of them answered in unison.
They got on their horses.
“Come on, Rosie,” she said, patting the sweet horse on the neck. “Next stop—The Wilde Mansion.”
The ride home wasn’t long, but every foot she grew more and more excited.