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Her Twin Wilde Cowboy Masters [Wilde, Nevada] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 14

  Wade slapped her ass, delivering a delicious sting. “Stop trying to take charge. Got me?”

  “Yes, Sir.” The truth was she felt a little shaky, and their help would steady her.

  Wyatt came up in front of her and kissed her on the lips. Wade kissed the back of her neck. Every inch of her body responded to their touches. Sanity lost, she loved being sandwiched between them.

  They lifted her up into their arms and lowered her into the water, which was warm and luxurious. It felt good on her skin. Being with them both made sense in a funny way, especially in such a crazy world.

  “Close your eyes, baby,” Wyatt said. “Let your mind drift.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her two cowboys sponged every inch of her body, paying special attention to her breasts. Desire for Wade and Wyatt to take her, to have them bury their cocks inside her, to surrender to them in every way, muddled her mind. Nothing else mattered. No sense fighting the flood of desire burning inside her.

  She plunged her fingers below the surface, heading to her aching pussy, but before she reached her sex, a hand wrapped around her wrist, keeping her from it.

  “No, baby. That’s our job tonight.”

  With her eyes remaining closed, she nodded, fixing on the undeniable urges they were igniting inside her.

  “Fuck, she’s perfect, bro,” Wyatt said low.

  “That she is,” Wade agreed.

  Taking their time, they snaked the soapy sponges over her skin. One of them, she guessed to be Wade, drew little circles on her breasts until her nipples were taut and throbbing. The other cowboy, likely Wyatt, created straight lines of pressure, perfect pressure, on her legs. She couldn’t bear opening her eyes to find out which was which, fearing it might lessen the sensations shooting through her.

  “This feels so good.” She reached for the cowboy’s hand that was working on her lower half. “Keep this up and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

  “That’s an invitation I’ll take,” Wyatt said.

  Mac opened her eyes and stared into his dangerous, lusty gaze. He looked wild and delicious.

  Her clit throbbed, and her pussy ached with arousal.

  Wyatt growled, moving his sponge to her mound. “I can’t wait to fuck that beautiful pussy of yours.”

  She arched her back and grabbed the sides of the tub. “Do it, Wyatt. Please. I have to have you inside me.” She’d never been so brazen, but she couldn’t help it. Her need was too great, too all-consuming.

  “You will, sweetheart. You’ll have both of us soon enough,” Wade said, tugging once again on her hair.

  Wyatt leaned over and pressed his lips to her mouth. There was no softness, no gentleness, no hesitation in his kiss. This was dominance, a conqueror claiming what was rightfully his. She melted into him as his tongue swept past her lips, taking ownership of her entire body. Wade began licking her neck and rubbing her shoulders. She felt Wyatt’s hand, now free of the sponge, press on her clit. A shiver wracked her to the core. All sanity vanished.

  The pleasing pressure of his fingertips caused her to moan. She released the sides of the tub and placed her hands around his neck, holding on for dear life.

  Thankfully, he seemed never to tire of caressing her pussy or kissing her mouth. Her breath caught in her throat, then hissed out.

  Wade’s hands slid down her sides, settling in on her hips. He kissed her hair. Wyatt continued claiming her mouth until her lips throbbed while his fingers teased her clit. All their sexual skills worked together to dissolve her into a puddle, leaving only her libido intact.

  She writhed in the tub until the surface of the water was splashing over the sides and onto the floor.

  The friction of his hand on her pussy sent a flash of heat through her again and again. Pressure was building, a pressure that was about to explode.

  “Come for us, love,” Wade whispered. “Show us everything.”

  Pleasure flashed in her belly. Shockwaves of heat grew and grew.

  “O–Oh, God!” Her pussy spasmed. An orgasmic storm blasted through every inch of her body. She screamed again and again.

  Then she heard a doorbell.

  “What the fuck?” Wyatt cursed. “Who the hell could that be?”

  “Leave it,” Wade said.

  She bit her lip as guilt grabbed her tight. “No. It could be about Trent.”

  She shouldn’t have let herself go like this. Sex? What was she thinking? She wasn’t. She should’ve remained focused on waiting until they got word about the storage unit.

  * * * *

  A knock on the door sent Wyatt and his twin into action.

  Wade grabbed Mackenzie and pulled her into the hallway, out of sight from the front door and from him.

  Wyatt had his thirty-eight out and ready. He and Wade would’ve loved to be front and center finding the pieces to the puzzle of her missing brother and the bastard Malcolm. But they knew what their one and only job was—keeping Mackenzie safe. She’d changed him and his twin utterly.

  If Winters dared to show his face, he would solve the mystery with six bullets, all of them unloaded into the bank president’s face.

  Wyatt cautiously opened the front door to find one of the cooks from Norma’s carrying a package. How the hell had he gotten up to the porch without him hearing? He pointed the barrel at the cook. “Hands up.”

  The guy’s eyebrows shot up. “Wyatt, you know me. It’s Chuck.”

  “I know a lot of people, Chuck.” He motioned with his pistol that he still wanted him to raise his arms.

  “How?” The man looked down at the package he was carrying. “Danielle left a message for me to deliver this to Mac. There’s also a note from her to Mac inside it.”

  Wyatt stepped back, keeping his finger on the trigger. “Come in, Chuck. Put the package on the table over there nice and slow.”

  “I get it. Protecting Mackenzie. I’m not sure why you’re putting me through the hoops, but I won’t buck you.” Chuck placed the box on the coffee table.

  “What’s in the package?”

  “One of Mac’s favorites. Banana cream pie.”

  “Hands above your head, Chuck. You’re not packing are you?”

  “God, no. I leave that to the cowboys around here like you and your brother.” The cook lifted his hands high above his head. “My only weapon is a spatula, which I didn’t bring with me.”

  After patting him down with his free hand and determining he didn’t have a gun, Wyatt holstered his thirty-eight. “Thanks, buddy.”

  Chuck shrugged it off. “No problem. Can’t be too careful. How’s she doing? We’re all worried about her back at the diner.”

  Keeping things under wraps in Wilde was next to impossible. The whole town likely knew about the mess she was dealing with. Malcolm Winters best not darken any spot within the city limits again, not with all the good law-abiding, gun-toting citizens looking for him.

  “She’s doing okay.” She was safe. He and Wade were doing their job.

  “I’m glad you guys are with her,” said Chuck. “Let us know if we can do anything.”

  Wyatt opened the package, checking out the delicious-looking pie. “Tell Danielle thanks.”

  “I will when I see here. Take care.” The cook turned and went back to his car.

  Wyatt closed the door.

  Wearing only one of his shirts and followed by Wade, Mackenzie came rushing in from the hallway. “Was it about Trent?”

  “No, love. Danielle sent this for you.”

  Her shoulders sagged. “That’s nice. Should we call to get an update?”

  “After we all have some pie. It’s banana cream, and I just learned it’s one of your favorites.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mac’s thoughts were thick and cloudy. She couldn’t seem to clear her head. Had she fallen asleep? She heard someone humming the oddest tune in another room. Who? Wyatt or Wade? She didn’t think either of them was responsible for the strange sound. Who then?

  She for
ced her eyes open, though they felt heavy. Finding it hard to focus, she wasn’t sure where she was.

  “We’re here with you, Mackenzie,” Wade’s whisper comforted her. “Everything is going to be okay, sweetheart.”

  Taking a deep breath, her mind cleared. “My hands are tied to something.”

  “Shh, love,” Wyatt instructed. “We don’t want him to know you’re awake.”


  “Winters. He used heavy-duty duct tape to restrain each of us to a chair. Wade and I know a thing or two about restraints and how to get them off quickly. Comes with the job of being a Dom.”

  She tried to move her hands and feet. No luck. Her wrists and ankles were attached firmly to the heavy wooden frame of the chair.

  “Trust us. We’ll get you out of this,” Wade said.

  “My tape is loosening,” Wyatt added. “I just need a little more time.”

  She turned to where Wyatt’s voice came from and gasped. His face was bloodied, and his eyes were swollen. His was taped to a chair just as she was. Next to him was his twin, in the same condition. “Oh God. What happened?”

  “The pie. It wasn’t from Danielle. It was from Malcolm. He drugged it.”

  “That I did,” the evil man said from behind her. “Got the idea from a movie, though that one was chocolate and had another ingredient in it. I considered that component, but to suit my purposes, Rohypnol was best.”

  Had he heard about Wade and Wyatt’s plan? She prayed not, turning her head in the kidnapper’s direction.

  With a large knife in hand, Malcolm Winters stood a few feet from her next to a chair holding another man, also tied up. The poor soul’s face looked in far worse condition than her cowboys’.

  “I guess no introduction is necessary for this guy.” Malcom smiled her way.

  “Trent?” She couldn’t even recognize him. “Trent, talk to me.”

  No response. He looked completely thrashed. His arms were covered with scabs and scars, like he’d been burned or cut repeatedly.

  “He’s alive, if that’s what you’re wondering.” Winters patted her brother’s head like he was a pet dog. “This guy’s constitution is something to behold. I’ve never had a subject endure so much before. Amazing.”

  Utter dread and disgust swept away the last of the drug’s effects inside her. She knew too well what was going on and what the likely outcome of this fucked-up mess was going to be. She just stared at Trent, feeling the weight of her failure to save him. “What have you done to him?”

  “Anything and everything my heart desired, bitch.”

  Wyatt’s chair rattled beside her. “Don’t talk to her, motherfucker. Do it again and I’ll rip your tongue out and serve it to you with a side of your balls, got me?”

  “You’re in no position to make threats to me, Masters.”

  “Why are you doing this, Malcolm?” she asked him. How many times had she served the bastard never knowing he was the one who had kidnapped Trent? She’d been misguided thinking Austin was the one behind everything. Only until she’d opened up to Wyatt and Wade had the icy-cold investigation heated up, but that had been too late. Now, Trent was going to die, and so were the men who had stolen her heart. She loved them. There was no denying that now.

  Malcolm moved right in front of her and squatted down until they were eye level with each other. “Pretty thing, aren’t you, Mac? Much prettier than Danielle.”

  “Was? You mean…” The words got caught in her throat.

  “Smart, too. She’s in the other room and still breathing. Not for long. She is a doll, though. She wrote that note for me that came with your dessert. Did you like the pie?” The fucker touched her cheek. “I know it’s your favorite.”

  “Get your goddamn hands off of her,” Wade shouted.

  Wyatt was closer to her than his brother, and he was straining against his bindings so much that his face was turning beet red.

  “Boys, it would take you weeks, if then, to get loose from those restraints, and none of you will live that long. You’ve made my life rather difficult, but I will rise from this. I’ve got quite the retirement planned.” Winters brought the sharp blade up to her throat. “I think you should be the first to go, deary.”

  She closed her eyes, realizing this was the end and there was no way out of it.

  Then she heard a crash and opened her eyes wide.

  Trent had broken free of his restraints somehow and knocked Malcolm into Wyatt’s chair, which had apparently toppled onto the asshole in the commotion.

  “Hang on, bro,” Wade said, still trying to work his hands free. “Trent, get me loose.”

  Her brother was alive, but he was in terrible shape.

  He limped behind Wade’s chair and started to unravel the duct tape that held the cowboy.

  Trying to free himself from being pinned down, Winters writhed violently under Wyatt and the heavy wooden chair.

  Wyatt was using the only things he had to fight the asshole—his teeth and his head.

  Winters’s face was bloodied from the bites and blows from Wyatt’s attacks, but Wyatt’s was mauled even more than before.

  She spotted the knife on the floor a mere fraction of an inch from Winters’s extended hand.

  Any moment the crazed man might get it and stab Wyatt.

  “Knife. Knife. Knife,” she rambled like a woman about to see a murder and unable to do a damn thing about it.

  “Get it, Trent,” Wade yelled.

  Her brother moved to get the weapon, but stumbled forward on top of Wyatt’s chair instead of retrieving it.

  His attempt to rescue her had clearly taken the last of his reserves.

  She saw Malcolm’s fingertips touch the hilt of the deadly knife.

  Was this it?

  Was the glimmer of hope about to be shattered?

  Was Winters going to win?

  No. She couldn’t accept that. They’d come too far. Trent was alive. She was alive. Her men were alive.

  She had one last card to play.

  If she could make him pause for even a split second, her men may have a chance.

  “Malcolm, that locker in Denver was full of lots of goodies. I bet you were counting on us not finding what we found there. No retirement plan now, right?”

  “Bitch!” The bastard’s hand inched back for a single heartbeat, but it was enough.

  In that blink of an eye, Wade freed his hands from the duct tape Trent had loosened.

  Still tied to the chair by his ankles, Wade tipped it forward next to the knife.

  No longer did she have a clear view of what was going on, only able to see Wade’s back and Trent dangling atop Wyatt’s chair.

  “He’s got the knife,” Wade shouted.

  “No!” she screamed.

  A deep wail came from the jumble. Someone had just been stabbed.

  The smell of blood filled the air even more than before.

  “Wyatt? Wade?” she whispered, praying for a miracle.

  “We’re both okay, Mackenzie.” Wyatt’s breathing was heavy. “Winters is dead. Wade got the knife back, sweetheart.”

  Wade freed his ankles from the chair and went to her.

  “Help Wyatt and Trent first, please.”

  “Don’t you dare, bro. She’s our priority. Her first.”

  Wade nodded. “Always.” He finished freeing her, and he pulled her into his arms. “Told you everything was going to be okay, baby.”

  “Yes, you did.” She hugged him close.

  “I love you.” Wade’s words thrilled her.

  “I love you, too.”

  Wyatt snorted. “I love you, too, Mackenzie, but a little help would be greatly appreciated.”

  “Yes, Sir. I love you, too.”

  She and Wade worked together to get Trent off the chair and onto the floor. He was breathing, thank God, but once again was unconscious. “He needs a doctor.”

  “We’ll see to it,” Wade promised. “Trust us. Everything is going to work out just

  For the first time, she believed it all the way down to her toes. She kissed Trent’s swollen cheek. Tears of relief fell from her eyes. “He’s right, brother. I’ve learned that these two cowboys can do just about anything they set their minds to. They stole my heart.”

  After being freed by Wade, Wyatt stood up, rubbing his wrists. “About time you admitted that, Mackenzie.”

  “I do,” she admitted, realizing everything was going to be okay now.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Mac sat on the back porch, sipping hot tea, looking at the still surface of the pool under the stars.

  Wade stuck his head out the back door. “We almost have your surprise ready, love.”

  “How about a hint?”

  He shook his head. “Just sit tight, Mackenzie. Only a few more minutes.” He went back into the cabin and shut the door behind him.

  Their cabin and ranch were no longer in jeopardy of being foreclosed on. Winters’s scheme of moving their loan from one fake company to another to fund illegal activities had been uncovered. The deed to the entire spread was free and clear.

  She’d spent a week in the hospital by her brother’s bedside. Danielle had been unconscious when they found her in the other room Winters had chained her up in. Her injuries consisted of a broken arm and two black eyes. She’d been released from Elko’s hospital the next day. Mac prayed she would heal inside as quickly. The blank stare Danielle had left with troubled her.

  Trent’s body was recovering nicely, but his mind would take a very long time to get back to normal after Winters’s torture in his basement.

  She couldn’t help but shiver as she thought about what might’ve happened had Trent not found a way to free himself and knock Malcolm to the floor. Trent had never given up in all the time the fucker had tortured him. He’d fought against his bindings the whole time he’d been in Winters’s basement. When Winters had moved him to the cabin when the heat turned up, he thought Trent was no threat and didn’t bind him as tight as before. That mistake and Trent’s will had saved all of them. That and her twin cowboys’ quick actions and strength.

  The cabin the asshole had taken them to was Sam Winters’s, his deceased brother’s.


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