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Her Wilde Bodyguards [Wilde, Nevada 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2
Her Wilde Bodyguards [Wilde, Nevada 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online
Page 2
After a few seconds, the door opened.
An attractive woman wearing a soft blue dress stood in front of them. She looked to be in her late forties, and had a warm regal air about her. “Hello?”
“You have guests, Ms. Parker.” Bobby smiled.
Kyle knew instantly the kind hotel security guard was smitten with the woman.
“Good evening, gentlemen.” She smiled shyly at Bobby.
“I’m Aaron Strait and this is my brother, Kyle, Ms. Parker.”
“We’ve been expecting you. I’m Stephanie Parker, Miss Gaynor’s agent and business manager. Won’t you please come in?”
“Ms. Parker, would there be anything else?” Bobby asked.
“No thank you, Mr. Reddeson. We’re all set here.”
“If you need anything, anything at all. I’ll be right outside.”
“Thank you so much. We will let you know.” Ms. Parker closed the door and led them into the main room of the suite.
“Quite the place you have here.” Kyle had seen luxurious rooms before, but this topped them all.
The lavish space was sleek, with two entire walls of glass that looked out over the twinkling lights of the Houston skyline. Even at this late hour, he could see the Texas metropolis was alive with people. A large gray crystal chandelier hung over a pair of white leather sofas. The walls were decorated with modern art.
Scanning the room to access any issues they might have securing it should they land this job, he spotted Gya Gaynor. She stood on the other side of one of the walls of glass on a balcony that wrapped around the entire suite.
My God, she’s more beautiful than her pictures. Long blonde hair cascaded past her shoulders. She wore a dark blue top with straps that allowed him to see her delicate arms. Her breasts were full and deliciously inviting to the eyes. He loved her shape, which had just the right curves he liked on a woman.
The stunning singer turned around, fixing her beautiful brown eyes on him. She was clearly unhappy with this meeting.
“Please, have a seat.” Stephanie motioned to the sofas. “I’ll get Gya.”
“Absolutely.” Aaron sat down, placing the file he’d brought on the coffee table.
Kyle took a seat on the sofa opposite him, so he could continue looking at their prospective client.
Stephanie walked out onto the balcony, shutting the glass door behind her.
He couldn’t look away from Gya, mesmerized by her every move.
She turned to Stephanie, placing her hands on her hips.
Although he could not hear, it was clear they were arguing.
Kyle turned his attention back to his brother. “This might all be a bust, bro. The little diva doesn’t want us here.”
“She’s in danger. Sometimes you have to deal with things even when you don’t want to. You and I both know that first hand.”
Kyle’s mind drifted back to the tragedy that he and Aaron had shared. “Yes, we do.”
“Ms. Parker is the one who called us in. She’s the one who will convince Ms. Gaynor how much she needs us. We’ll get the job.” Aaron pointed to the two doors that led to the bedrooms. “I’m betting they each have exits to the balcony. One of us will need to be stationed out there.”
“We’re twenty floors up. Who’s going to climb that?”
“Someone who really wants to hurt Gya.”
Kyle nodded, knowing his brother was right. “Got it. I’ll take the balcony position.”
Through the glass, he could hear the conversation had escalated to yelling. He was even catching a few words with “no” being the most repeated one. Bobby had obviously been right about Gya Gaynor. She was a little diva. His Dom side came out roaring. God, I’d love to tame her.
He watched Stephanie grab Gya’s hand. Something in the singer’s eyes changed, and he sensed that under all the bratty behavior was a feminine softness that he found so appealing. The two walked into the room, leaving the balcony and arguments behind.
He and Aaron stood.
“Gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to Gya Gaynor, your new client.”
“Let’s get to the details, please.” Gya moved quickly to one of the chairs by the fireplace. It was clear she wanted to sit alone. “Tell me what you two men in black are going to do to make Stephanie feel better.”
Kyle could sense the invisible walls that Gya had built around her. Those barriers were definitely ancient. She clearly wanted to keep people at a distance. What had happened to this gorgeous creature to cause her to shut herself off? There was a reason that she acted the way she did, though unknown to him at the moment. Now that SCSS had landed the job, he would take the time to find out the facts and truth about Gya Gaynor.
Chapter Two
“I made some calls to Dallas PD about the shot fired at your concert.” Aaron opened the file he’d prepared on Gya. “No one has been arrested and they have no viable leads. Whoever fired at you, Miss Gaynor, is still on the loose.”
“You have the job, Mr. Strait. Please cut the sales pitch.” Gya folded her arms over her chest in a clear act of defiance, which only made her look even more gorgeous. She was the most beautiful creature he’d ever laid eyes on, though clearly quite the bratty diva. “Stephanie has convinced me that you are needed, but I want to make sure we’re getting our money’s worth out of SCSS. Tell me what you and your brother can do for me that local officers aren’t already doing.”
Stephanie leaned forward. “Gya, don’t be rude. These men are here to help.”
“I’m not being rude. I have a right to know what I’m paying for.”
He saw Kyle smile. It didn’t take a mind reader to realize his brother was attracted to Gya, too. No wonder. Despite her sour attitude, she was stunning. “My team of investigators is already checking every possible lead to identify the shooter. We already have a short list, which includes some pretty shady characters. I know you are aware of Vincent Scarpelli. He’s just one of several of your fans that needs to be checked out thoroughly.”
“We’ve read the message boards on your fan page, Gya.” Kyle pointed to the dossier. “We need to dig into the people who posted some of the more delusional sounding ones. Seems you have quite a number of possible stalkers.”
“I’m famous. All of us have stalkers, Mr. Strait. Just ask Selena, Taylor, or Uma.”
“Maybe so, Miss Gaynor, but this isn’t something to take lightly.” Kyle was being too soft with her. “Please call me Kyle.”
Gya rolled her eyes, making Aaron want to flip her over his knee and paddle her ass.
It’s time for this little diva to get the message. He stood, gathering up the dossier. “Perhaps this isn’t the job for us. It’s clear you do not have confidence in SCSS’s abilities. I’m sorry about that.” He turned to her agent. “I can suggest some other agencies that—”
“Hold on.” Gya jumped up to her feet. “I didn’t say that. I’m sure you are quite capable.”
“Are you sure?” He loved the fire in her eyes and the red in her cheeks. “Because if we do this you will do exactly what I say when I say it. There will be no questions or arguments.”
“I thought I was the client, not the other way around.”
“You are the client. If you’re not willing to do what I know is best, then it’s time for us to go. If I stay, it’s my job to keep you safe. So let me repeat how this will go down. You will do what I say without pushing back, complaining, or trying to get your way. I know what’s best. Always. Am I clear?”
“Very.” Her eyes held defiance but her arms fell to her side, a sign she was beginning to surrender.
He knew he hadn’t won the war with her but he had won the battle. For now. “You’ll be getting twenty-four hour protection from two of my agents.”
She shook her head. “Before I sign on the dotted line, I have one request, if you don’t mind, Mr. Bodyguard.”
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Kyle grin again, which kept him from walking out the door at her insolence
A million thoughts rolled through his head. The news that he’d learned at the appointment with his doctor this morning. Kyle’s face at their mother’s funeral years ago. The promise he’d made to Maude after her hotel burned down. His brother’s future hung in the balance of what he did next.
So instead of leaving, Aaron turned to the sexy celebrity. “I’ll give you one request, Miss Gaynor. That’s all.”
She sighed and the anger in her eyes softened. “Thank you.” Even her tone mellowed. “Let’s see. How can I phrase this so I actually get two requests in one.”
Resisting the urge to smile, he looked directly at her. “I’m waiting.”
“Okay. Here it goes. Please call me Gya, and I want you and your brother to be the ones guarding me. You said it yourself. This is serious. Who better than the owner of SCSS and his brother to protect me?”
Kyle laughed. “We have to sleep sometimes, Gya. We’re not superhuman.”
“That’s fine, but I want you with me.” Gya’s face got even redder. “I mean…I think Stephanie would feel better if you were close at all times.”
Aaron held up his hand. “Sit down.”
Gya planted her pretty ass back in the chair. God, she would make the perfect little sub with the right training.
A plan formulated in his mind. Playing matchmaker wasn’t something he’d considered before, but his brother deserved happiness, a future, a family of his own.
His gut clenched, realizing the dream of sharing a woman with Aaron was likely to never be. One week until he knew for certain.
“Agreed. Kyle and I will be with you at all times. There will be other SCSS agents around when I deem necessary, particularly at your concerts, though we may need to cancel some or all of them on this tour.”
“What? But there weren’t any problems at tonight’s show. After the incident in Dallas, we talked to the venue here and made sure the security was extra tight.” Gya stood again, but just as quickly landed back down in the chair. “I’m not trying to make waves, but there’s a lot to consider before canceling dates, Mr. Strait, or should I call you Aaron?”
He thought about pushing her buttons and keeping things formal, but decided against it. “Aaron is fine. I need to make sure I can protect you, Gya. I’ll have to analyze each venue to make sure I can. Those that I can’t will have to be nixed. No arguments. No questions. Remember?”
She sighed and nodded. “You’re the boss, Aaron. You and Kyle.”
God, he loved the sound of that.
Stephanie stood. “How do we begin?”
“You sent us the tour dates. I’ll get my team checking out the venues.” He pulled out the list. “Right now, you’ve got two days before the next concert in Phoenix.”
“Yes. We’re taking my private jet to my home in Malibu for a couple days of much-needed rest.” Gya addressed Stephanie. “We need to make sure the pilot knows we have two more passengers.”
The woman brought out her cell. “On it.”
“What time do we need to be at the airport?” Kyle asked.
“We’re scheduled to leave at ten thirty in the morning,” Stephanie answered.
Aaron shook his head. “Change that to seven thirty.”
“Seven thirty?” Gya’s eyes narrowed. She was clearly about to ask why but stopped herself.
She’s learning. “We’re not the only ones who know your schedule, Gya. If it leaked to the shooter, he knows, too.”
She sighed. “I hadn’t thought about that.”
For the first time, he saw she was a little frightened.
“You don’t have to think about such things. That’s our job. I’ve already spoken to the company who has the alarm on your house. Nothing to report. I want to have one of my men secure the place. How can we get him a key?”
“There’s a spare at my office in Los Angeles,” Stephanie said. “I can call my assistant Sky to meet your man at Gya’s home with the key tomorrow morning. She also has the security code.”
He didn’t like the sound of that. “How many others have access to keys and the code?”
“That’s the only spare. Gya has a key. I have a key. Three. No more. Aaron, my assistant has been with me for years. She can be trusted.”
“I’ll need her name and information. Can you have her at the house by five a.m. Pacific time?”
He turned to Kyle. “Have Sam meet Stephanie’s assistant in Malibu. He needs to secure the place completely before we arrive. It will be seven here, so he can call us with the details before we take off.”
His brother nodded and pulled out his phone, but his eyes never left Gya.
She kept glancing back and forth at Kyle and him. “What about tonight? What happens while we’re here at this hotel?”
He smiled. “Leave that to me, Gya. I’ve got it all covered.”
His plan for her and Kyle was going to work out perfectly.
* * * *
Gya climbed into the back of the hotel’s limo with Stephanie. Aaron and Kyle came in behind them.
She hadn’t slept. Not even a single wink. How could she after meeting the two sexy bodyguards? Both were muscled to the max. And so very tall, several inches over six feet. Their thick, dark hair screamed at her to be touched. Their eyes were the deepest blue she’d ever seen, though she’d only got to see them when they were in the hotel room. The rest of the time they’d been hidden under sunglasses.
“How are you doing, sweetheart?” Stephanie handed her a bottle of water.
“I could use more sleep.” Or any sleep. She took the bottle. “You know I’m not much of a morning person.”
“I know. You knocked their socks off in Houston last night.”
“Thanks. And nothing happened, even though we didn’t have these two gor”—gorgeous men—“chaperones on the job yet.” I almost blew it. She hadn’t really wanted bodyguards, but she didn’t mind being around these two studs.
Kyle lowered his sunglasses and sent her a wicked wink, which gave her a nice little tingle. Aaron remained as stoic as he’d been since she’d met him.
She took a sip of the water. “I hope Phoenix enjoys the show as much as Houston seemed to.”
“Of course they will,” Stephanie said. “Everyone loves your new album.”
“You always say that for every album.”
“And guess what, sweetheart. I’m always right, too.”
“So you say.” She laughed. Stephanie had done more for her than anyone in her entire life. “I can’t believe I’m up this early. Seven o’clock. Crazy.”
“Why don’t you lean back and shut your eyes, Gya?” Kyle smiled, causing her to catch her breath. God, he’s good looking. And nice. “We have at least forty more minutes before we arrive at the airport.”
“I better ask the boss, don’t you think?” She’d begun referring to Aaron that way ever since last night. She found his serious demeanor mesmerizing and challenging as well. “What do you say? Am I allowed to doze off, boss?”
“Yes.” His single syllable answer came from deep within his muscled chest. It vibrated along her skin, making her shiver.
What was it about this man that so unhinged her? Everything.
“Good.” She leaned back. “I’ve never been able to sleep in a moving vehicle before.”
Kyle reached over and touched the back of her hand, delivering a spark that shot up her arm and down her body. “Just try, Gya. It’s been a long night for you. You might be able to doze off.”
“Okay.” She closed her eyes, feeling the vibration of the engine on her body.
Chapter Three
Gya floated in the water of the Crystal Dream Hotel’s pool under the watchful eyes of Aaron and Kyle, standing on the edge.
Why am I naked in a public place?
No one seemed to care except for Aaron and Kyle, who were also naked but still wearing their sunglasses. Given her past, trust didn’t come easy, but for some reason she trusted them with all her
heart. They wouldn’t hurt her. Ever.
“Wouldn’t you two like to join me? The water is so nice.” She could feel her skin tingling from the water’s ripples. Or was it their kisses. Kisses? But they were just standing on the edge of the pool.
Not anymore. Now, she was in their arms on her bed, being kissed by them into a state of oblivion. Her lips throbbed as they squeezed her body between their muscled frames. She tingled from head to toe, relishing every intimate touch they gave her.
Aaron’s fingers traced her shoulders as he devoured her lips once again. Kyle kissed the back of her neck and ran his hands down her sides. In their arms she could just be. She didn’t have to worry about stalkers or concerts or anything. They were in control. They were in charge. She was safe.
She loved when Kyle moved his hand up to her breasts and pinched her nipples, sending shivers down her back.
Aaron traced her lips with his tongue and then sent it into her mouth. The intimacy of their kiss made her tingle. She removed his sunglasses and stared into his mesmerizing blue eyes, which were wide open, gazing back at her. When she felt his hand glide over her pussy, her eyes closed and a moan escaped her lips.
The room spun and when it slowed down, they and the bed had been transported to a stage in a sold-out stadium. The crowd cheered their approval, which seemed to spur on Aaron and Kyle even more. They kissed and caressed her into a dizzying state of arousal, touching every inch of her body with their hands and mouths.
Closing her eyes, she writhed on the bed and heard the audience rise to their feet. When she opened them again, Aaron and Kyle were back in their suits wearing their sunglass and off the bed.
“No. Please. Don’t stop.”
An earthquake shook the entire stage and she nearly fell off the bed. She brought out her arms, trying to steady herself. Her fingers touched muscles.