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Her Twin Wilde Cowboy Masters [Wilde, Nevada] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

  He couldn’t know. She’d been flawless in the execution of her mission. As far as everyone in Wilde knew, she was Mackenzie Hill, not Kristen Mackenzie Green. Until she found her brother, that had to stay intact.

  “And from what I’ve seen, Jess, you do a good job of keeping them on their toes.”

  “Actually, it’s more like the other way around.”

  Prodding ever so slightly, she continued, “I bet the toughest one to deal with is Austin.”

  “Not as much as you might think. I understand him, and he understands me.”

  “Do you get to see him much? Running the mine and the club must keep him burning the candle at both ends.” Mac knew Austin worked long hours at both. She’d deduced he was a control freak within a couple of days of arriving in Wilde. She appreciated that trait in him, having it herself.

  Self-reliance had its benefits. It also had its drawbacks.

  “Alone time with each of my guys is very important to me. They all make sure that happens, especially Austin.”

  “Date nights with each of them?” She couldn’t imagine how any woman could trust one man let alone multiple.

  What about a traditional relationship for her? Like every little girl, she’d dreamed of a day when a prince would sweep her off her feet. But she wasn’t a little girl anymore, and princes only lived in fairy tales. This was the cold, hard, ugly world. Opening her heart up enough for love wasn’t something she likely would ever be able to do, even with the possibility of the kind of happiness Jess and Charly had found, not that it would ever present itself to her. The road of hard knocks had taught her one thing for sure. There was one person she could rely on—herself. Better the single life for her.

  “Yes. I have special moments and places for each of my guys. Jackson loves taking me to Colorado for a weekend getaway. Phoenix is big on picnics. He’s quite the cook, you know. Dustin and I go horseback riding. Denver and I take long drives. I think I’ve seen more of Nevada than any other woman.” Jess closed her eyes and smiled. “Austin and I spend a lot of time in his office at the club.”

  “Must be a special place for you and him.” Whatever it took, she had to get into that office, and breaking into it wasn’t out of the question for her.

  Jess opened her eyes. “Very.”

  “I’ve heard people have lots of fun at The Masters’ Chambers.”

  The club was just outside of Wilde and very exclusive.

  “Would you like to come sometime?” Jess winked. “I’m in good with the guy running the place, so I can get you in.”

  She nodded, excited that her tireless investigation might actually be opening up. Besides, there might be some clue at The Masters’ Chambers that would be vital in finding Trent.

  Jess put her arm around her. “You know that my mother-in-law and Charly’s soon-to-be mother-in-law are pushing us to set you up with some guys. They want you to stay for good. So do I. So does Charly.”

  “Mary and Maude are great ladies, but there’s no chance of a love connection for me. Plus, I’m still on the fence about staying.” As much as she was in love with Wilde, when her mission was complete, she must return to her old life.

  “They love playing matchmaker.” Jess motioned to a guy by the grand piano. “So you’re not into the Wilde kind of relationship. What about Luke Steele? He’s nice. Some might even say ‘yummy.’”

  “No thank you, Jess. If you plan on refereeing a love connection tonight, then it is time for me to go.”

  “Sorry. Romance is in the air, don’t you think? I might’ve gotten carried away.”

  “Okay. I’ll stay. I promised Charly. But I can’t hang out too much longer.”

  “You have to admit that the man-candy around this room is worth the delay.”

  Mac smiled. “I may not be sampling the treats, but I’m not blind.”

  Wilde did have an overabundance of cowboys with rugged good looks and muscled bodies that would have any woman drooling.

  “I can tell that you’re more comfortable with men,” Jess said. “Aren’t you?”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “I’ve seen how you act at the diner. You relax around men. I bet you don’t have any female friends back home, do you?”

  “Not really.” No real male friends either.

  “Where is home, Mac?”

  Her gut tightened. Time to change the subject.

  “Texas,” she lied. “You’re right. I was a bit of a tomboy growing up, so I’m more comfortable around men. Much.” That part was true. Well, not entirely. Comfortable in a professional setting, yes. At ease discussing politics, sports, the weather, whatever, definitely. Relaxed with any man who was too old, too young, married, attached, unavailable, and most importantly uninterested in getting her naked in his bed, absolutely.

  “Finding a man in Wilde who doesn’t want to share you with another man is going to be difficult. I know of only three or four that fit that description.”

  “Then don’t try.” Mac looked directly in Jess’s eyes. “I’m perfectly fine being single.” She wasn’t a prude, but when it came to intimacy, her internal calm took a vacation.

  Charly returned on the arm of Heath, another of her fiancés.

  In full view, the cowboy kissed his woman deeply. The honest, brazen act didn’t come from some twisted desire to make a show but clearly came from profound passion inside him. Charly was so very lucky—times six.

  When their kiss ended, Charly said, “Allow us some girl time, Heath.”

  He released her arm. “Ladies. If you need us, we’ll be right over there.”

  Charly watched as her man returned to his brothers. “Look up the word ‘overprotective’ in the dictionary. You’ll see a picture of my fiancés.”

  The two cousins laughed and she joined in.

  Charly and Jess were terrific women. Open. Kind. Smart. Stunning. No wonder they’d each captured the hearts of their respective men.

  Charly turned to her. “I glanced over at you two. You both looked so serious. What were you talking about?”

  “Figuring out who to fix Mac up with,” Jess answered.

  “Stop it, you two.”

  “Not a chance. I know who isn’t safe around our sweet Mac.” Charly smiled at Jess.

  “I bet we’re thinking the same two guys.” Jess seemed to love playing matchmaker as much as Mary and Maude.

  “We are. The way she looks at the Masters twins is all the proof I need,” Charly said. “She’s completely gone on them.”

  “Please stop talking about those guys to me.” Her cheeks felt hot. Charly was right. Whenever Wyatt and Wade came into the diner, self-control and logic would evaporate inside her. Tingles and humidity would remain. Thankfully, the two were absent from the party. It had continued to be a struggle keeping her cool around that duo with their devilish brown eyes surrounded by the longest lashes she’d ever seen on any male. Never had she witnessed such beautiful men in her entire life. And with their constant advances, flirtations, and downright demands toward her, staying on task in Wilde had been difficult.

  “She just told me that a poly relationship isn’t something she’s interested in, Charly.” Jess frowned. “I was thinking Luke might be a better fit.”

  “He’s handsome but not for her.” Charly shook her head. “I think she’s only scared at what might happen if she takes the leap. Have a drink with them, Mac, or coffee. What harm can come from coffee?”

  “That’s it. I’m leaving.” She placed her glass on a nearby table, then hugged them both. “You’ll have to play matchmakers with someone else.”

  Without waiting for them to argue again for her to stay, she turned around to head to the door but was blocked by the muscled frame of Wade Masters.

  “You’re not leaving, sweetheart,” the studly cowboy said. His tone told her that he meant business.

  Here come the tingles.

  Mac couldn’t risk being distracted by Wade right now. Trying not to look at those sexy br
own eyes, she said, “I’ve got the early-morning shift and need to get to sleep.”

  She felt his hand on her cheek, sending a shiver up her spine. She didn’t have the will to resist him right now, and so moved her gaze to him.

  Wade gave her a sexy grin. “Then I’ll be happy to escort you back to your place.”

  Chapter Two

  Wade looked down at Mackenzie. She’d eluded him for far too long. Her arrival in town had been quite a stir. No wonder. She was gorgeous. Tonight, she looked especially so.

  Her long silky blonde hair screamed to be touched, stroked, and yes, even tugged on. He couldn’t wait to see her blue eyes gazing up at him with a look of dreamy abandon.

  It would happen. It would happen tonight.

  But it was more than lust for her that had ensnared him. Wyatt, too, though his brother would never admit it. It was her warmth, her resourcefulness, and her energy that he was transfixed by. She had a profound kindness that flattened him out. Who wouldn’t want to spend time with such a person? If he took a hard look in the mirror, the real question was why would she want to spend time with a cold-hearted, selfish cowboy? Doubt was new to him and something he didn’t care for.

  For two months, he and his brother had eaten every meal at Norma’s—breakfast, lunch, and dinner—just to be as close to her as possible. In that time, he’d gotten the impression she had a secret wound that was hidden underneath her smiles. He sensed a need in her, not for sex, but for help. For what exactly, he didn’t know, but he was ready to step up for her. That would require getting her to open up to him, which fit perfectly into his wheelhouse.

  “I’ll be fine on my own. Thank you, though.” Placing her little delicate hands on her hips, she clearly was daring him to try to stop her. Her sweet defiance whetted his appetite beyond measure.

  “Not likely.” He brushed the hair out of her eyes. She blushed divinely. “Let’s get you a vacation day tomorrow. Carlotta,” he called to Mackenzie’s boss, who was standing across the room with her beau by her side.

  The owner of Norma’s apparently didn’t hear him as she continued talking to Deuce and another couple.

  “Don’t you dare.” Mackenzie pursed her lips tight.

  “Oh, I dare, sweetheart.”

  “Please stop him,” she said to Jessie and Charly.

  They both smiled and shook their heads.

  “If you’ll excuse us,” Charly said. “I have a sneaking suspicion that Mac needs some time alone with Mr. Masters, and I have some questions for my cousin here.”

  “Me? What questions?” Jessie asked.

  “I think you know. Come with me, Jessica. Now.”

  The two women moved to the only deserted corner in the ballroom.

  He took a step toward Carlotta, and Mackenzie moved in front of him in a poor attempt to block him.

  “Please don’t.” She held up her delicate hands with the most slender fingers he’d ever seen in his life. “I’ll have a drink with you. Okay?”

  “That’s a start.” He looked to his left and spotted his brother glaring at him. Too bad for Wyatt. He never could win the rock-paper-scissors contest but never failed to try.

  They’d been unsuccessful in winning a date with Mackenzie for too long. Strange how dead set they both were to continue the chase. Wyatt had claimed his reason was because of the challenge, nothing more. But both of them knew better.

  Great minds, bro, think alike, Wyatt had said after deciding on a new tactic for her. They’d slapped their open palms together in the familiar high five gesture, which was their norm when settling on new prey. Instead of the usual wicked grins that followed, they both frowned. Why? Neither of them had voiced aloud the reason, but he’d seen it in his brother’s eyes. Mackenzie was more than a silly sub for them to take to bed. Much more. It was odd how in sync he and Wyatt were. Always.

  This wasn’t just another conquest of another woman. This was about her. Mackenzie.

  What would his life be like after tonight? It really didn’t matter to him. Her silent cries would not go unanswered by him. Deep down, he had to see this through, to discover all her secrets and to help her heal. If everything changed after, he would deal with it then.

  “Where’s your brother?” she asked, batting her thick eyelashes. “You two are never apart.”

  The new agreed-upon approach meant a solo mission—not his and Wyatt’s normal dual attack.

  “I didn’t know you were taking such an interest in us. Are you gathering information on us before you pounce and make your kill, sweetheart?”

  Her cheeks turned bright red. Perfect.

  “One drink. That’s all I promised, Wade. Margarita, please.”

  “Are you instructing me to go get you a drink and bring it back? Not a chance.”

  Her eyes widened with a look of confusion. “Wasn’t that what we agreed to?”

  He cupped her chin. Her eyes closed. “Look at me, Mackenzie.”

  She obeyed and his lust stirred.

  As he’d suspected, she had a submissive streak, but it was buried deep. Still, she had a backbone and fire—the kind of woman he would never get enough of.

  “I’m not an idiot. I leave you here to go get a drink for you and when I come back, you’re gone. Don’t lie to me. Wasn’t that your plan, sweetheart?”

  She blinked. “Maybe.”

  Who had hurt her so deeply? If he ever found the bastard, there would be major hell to pay.

  “Not ‘maybe.’ Definitely.”

  She nodded.

  He leaned in to her ear. “Don’t lie to me, Mackenzie. Ever.” Not waiting for an answer, he put his arm around her shoulders and led her to the bar.

  The Wilde Mansion was packed, but somehow he spotted a couple of empty seats on a leather sofa that had been moved to accommodate the partygoers.

  After getting his Jack on the rocks and her margarita, he pointed to the sofa. “We’ll go over there and sit. I need to talk to you.”

  Her eyes widened. “You do? What about?”

  He smiled. “I thought you’d like to know we are onto you.”

  She dropped her gaze from his and her lush lips parted, forming her mouth into a pretty circle. “What do you mean? ‘We?’ You and Wyatt?”

  Her secret suffering seemed to bubble to the surface. He was filled with a crushing need to take away her pain. His self-control—which was so steady, so trusted, so ever present—nearly crumbled whenever he was close to her. Nearly. God, how he wanted to throw her over his shoulder, take her straight to his and Wyatt’s cabin, strip her, and drown her with so much pleasure that she screamed her surrender. But he sensed that wasn’t what she needed…not now anyway.

  “You’ve got secrets, sweetheart.” Her face gave clues that he was right. If he had any chance of uncovering her mystery, he would need to keep her off-balance. “Secrets that we’ll get to the bottom of no matter how long it takes.” If that meant paddling her sweet behind until it was a beautiful pink, so much the better for him.

  She tilted her head up and looked him directly in the eyes. “And how do you plan on doing that?”

  Most of the single women in town would’ve bent over backward—literally—for a chance at having him and his brother’s time. Not her, which in the oddest way made her more alluring.

  Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders. The top of her dress tightly embraced her chest, allowing him to enjoy her perfectly ample breasts. Her cleavage tempted him until he could feel his balls grow heavy with lust. The choice of her attire, though somewhat revealing, held mystery and promise. He would tower over her by more than a foot. Every inch of her kept him enthralled. No use trying to resist her allure. He would love to devour her right here, right now. An audience would just heighten the fun. But fun wasn’t what she needed. He knew what was best for her, and whatever it took to wipe away her invisible agony, he would do.

  She sipped on the margarita he’d brought her. Her thick lips touching the salty rim of the glass transfixed h
im. When she glanced to her left, he broke his stare and looked the same direction. When he saw whom she’d spotted, his gut tightened. Austin Wilde.


  He frowned. She couldn’t be mixed up with him? Austin was married. That was a miracle any way it got sliced. If anyone had asked him a few months ago if the eldest Wilde son would’ve ever settled down with a woman, Wade, and everyone else with a brain in town, would’ve said absolutely “no.” But Austin had beaten the odds and had landed Jessie. Good for him. Then why did the sudden possessive streak shoot through him when Mackenzie looked at Austin? He wasn’t sure. Austin might be capable of a lot of things, but he’d never cheat on Jessie.

  “What’s bothering you, cowboy?” Mackenzie asked, pulling him back to the here and now.

  “Not a thing, sweetheart. Why so interested in Austin Wilde? You do know he’s unavailable?”

  Her face clouded once again to the point he could nearly feel her buried distress. “Why? You jealous?”

  “Me? Jealous? Look at me.” He motioned for her to take a long hard look. “Have you ever seen a better example of male perfection?” Teasing her was fun. Teasing her sexually would be pure joy.

  “Wade Masters, someone should teach you a lesson.” Mackenzie smiled, and his lust heated to a boil. She was sexy as hell.

  His cock enlarged. In his entire life, he’d never gotten that hard that fast. Ever. Each time he got within striking distance of her, his judgment seemed to go haywire. He and his twin should’ve been singularly focused on one thing—bringing down whoever was screwing with the lien on their family ranch. But he couldn’t seem to keep his head in the game.

  “May I have your attention?” Mrs. Mary Wilde held a microphone and was waving everyone quiet. Beside her were a smiling Charly and Jessie, who was shaking her head. “If you’re not in the ballroom, please come now for a special announcement. Maude, get up here.” The woman motioned for her sister, who was also the mother of the grooms-to-be, to come to the stage. The four ladies on the platform huddled together, muttering something to each other. After that, the group embraced, tears streaming down their faces.