Her Twin Wilde Cowboy Masters [Wilde, Nevada] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3
“I wonder what the big news is?” a woman near them whispered to her two men.
“Me, too,” Mackenzie said to him.
He leaned into Mackenzie, inhaling her scent of honey and daffodils. “Lucky for us, we’re already in the ballroom and close to the stage.”
“I would’ve been home and in bed by now if you hadn’t insisted I stay. I’m going to be dead on my feet tomorrow.”
He grabbed her hand and squeezed. “I’m glad you stayed.”
“You didn’t give me much of a choice, cowboy. Why don’t you call me ‘Mac’ like everyone else in town? I’ve asked you to, but you and your brother refuse.”
“I don’t give a damn what everyone else calls you. You’ll never be ‘Mac’ to us, sweetheart. That sounds like a guy’s name, and you, sweetheart, are definitely not a guy. You’re one hundred and ten percent female, and the most beautiful one I’ve ever seen, too. You’re Mackenzie.”
“Whatever.” She looked down, but he spotted the corner of her lips curl up. As he suspected, she was pleased with his and Wyatt’s choice of name for her.
As the rest of the guests crowded into the large room, he kept his arm around Mackenzie protectively. It wasn’t something he even really thought of. It was more instinct than anything else and definitely where she belonged.
For tonight at least, she was his.
A drunken cowboy bumping into her would find himself on the ground with some broken bones. Any single man looking at her with lust would end up with raw steak on his eyes before the night was through at best—at worst, a night in the hospital in Elko.
He’d never felt so possessive of any woman before. Why? What was it about her that drew out his most basic instinct to have, to control, to dominate?
He and Wyatt were the playboys of Wilde. Always had been. The Masters’ Chambers was their domain, and they ruled over the unattached subs with fervor. But he’d never felt like this with any of them. Strange.
“Would everyone please quiet down?” Mary Wilde stood between Charly and Jessie with her arms around them both. He could swear by the grin on the older woman’s face she was giddy. “This is such a great night. Tonight we have gathered to celebrate Charly Wynn, soon to be Charly Strong. She’s an amazing woman, and I’m certain my nephews will make her happy for the rest of her life.”
“They better,” Maude said. “Or they will have to deal with their mom. They know what I’m capable of.”
“Yes, we do.” Heath waved to his mother from the crowd.
The Strong brothers were good men. They deserved happiness. They’d found it with Charly and then some.
Maude continued, “But, Mary, you have news, too.”
“Not me. Jessie.” She handed the microphone to her daughter-in-law.
Wade glanced over at the five Wilde brothers. Whatever was about to be shared, they already knew about it.
“Charly, I’m so sorry,” Jessie said. “This is about you and not me.”
“Don’t be sorry, Jess. You’ve given me the best news I could’ve ever dreamed of.” Charly hugged her. “I’m thrilled. Tell them.”
“Okay. My loose lips always get me in trouble. Well, the truth is I’m pregnant.”
The crowd burst into applause.
He squeezed Mackenzie tight into him. He imagined what she would look like pregnant. It was an odd thought, but one he couldn’t seem to shake. She would be beautiful, no doubt.
“Wow,” she said. “That’s really big news.”
“Aren’t you glad I made you stay?”
“Yes.” She leaned into him. Wasn’t it his job to snare her and not the other way around? Somehow the minx had flipped the tables on him. Wyatt wouldn’t be pleased to know that. Best to keep that truth to himself for now.
He leaned down and kissed her hair.
Whatever pain you’re dealing with, I will help take it away.
He wasn’t about to let her get out of his sight. Ever.
Chapter Three
Wyatt watched as his brother, Wade, guided Mackenzie out on the dance floor with the other revelers. Their plan to divide and conquer was working perfectly. Still, he hated that it wasn’t him rubbing up against her. Was this what sibling rivalry felt like? Odd. He and his twin had never dealt with it. They always had each other’s back and best interest at heart. They were a little old to start now.
The ballroom boomed with the music from the band. Wyatt watched her move perfectly to the deep vibrating beats of the bass line. God, Mackenzie was beautiful.
The dance floor overflowed with people, and he soon lost sight of his brother and her. The last two months, his every waking thought and nighttime dream had been about her. She wasn’t the best waitress in town, not even close, but she was smart, really smart. He suspected that something besides working at Norma’s had brought her to Wilde. What? No clue. But he was determined to find out. Was she on the run from an abusive ex? The heartbreak in her eyes spoke volumes that something or someone had trampled her. Even with her cheery façade, her past was still a heavy load she seemed to carry.
Suddenly, he saw Mackenzie leave the dance floor through a trio. She was giving his brother the slip. Time for the better twin to make his move.
Just as he took a step toward her, Wade emerged from the throng of dancers and grabbed Mackenzie by the arm. He said something to her, but they were too far away for him to hear. She set down her glass and looked at her cell. He could tell by her facial expressions that her insides danced with agitation.
Silently, he hoped his brother would blow his chance. Then rock- paper-scissors be damned, he would step up and be there for her, however she needed him. The sudden bout of jealousy shocked him. He shoved the green-eyed monster inside his head back to the shadows. Sharing was what he and Wade had always done. That had to be the reason he was so out of sorts and off his game when it came to tonight and their plan for Mackenzie. What else could it be?
Austin Wilde stepped up next to Wyatt. “Hello, Masters. I see your brother is flying solo tonight. Unusual for you two, isn’t it?”
“It is, but necessary with her,” he answered.
The eldest of the Wilde clan was the most powerful man in town.
“I wonder why that girl is really here in Wilde?” Austin’s question was a valid one and something he was also curious to learn the answer to.
“You think she’s hiding something?” Wyatt considered trying to get closer to Mackenzie, sidling up next to her despite the plan he and Wade had concocted. But he decided against it. Besides, he needed to check with the bank about the ranch loan in the morning. Let Wade try his best to unlock her secrets tonight. Tomorrow would be his turn with her. That was their plan.
“When was the last time someone just came to town without knowing anyone or having any reason to be here?”
“Your wife comes to mind. Mackenzie might’ve just ended up in town and decided to stay. Who knows for how long?” That thought shot through Wyatt, making him tense. He didn’t want her to leave now, maybe not ever, crazy as that might be. He wondered if his twin would even get to first base with her tonight, let alone get her between the sheets.
“Not true about Jessie. She was here to inspect the mine, working for a federal agency. Lucky for me and my brothers, she decided to stay.”
“More like she ran into a brick wall of Wilde brothers she couldn’t get around,” he said, thinking how little finesse his twin had when it came to women not in the lifestyle.
“You’re one to talk, Wyatt. You guys have some expertise that was sought after by subs at my club. You think Mackenzie is into that? I don’t.”
“Perhaps we’ll find out tonight if she is or isn’t, or perhaps not. Why do you care?”
“Just curious, that’s all.”
“Don’t tell me you’re already looking for a side dish?” He turned his attention away from Mackenzie and his twin to Austin. “Jessie not enough for you, Wilde?”
The man’s face drained of blood and becam
e almost ghostly. “Unless you don’t value your unbroken bones, I’d watch my tongue, Masters.”
He couldn’t believe the truth that jetted out from Austin Wilde. Clearly, the man was all in when it came to his new bride. That was one for the books, given what he’d witnessed over the years from him at The Masters’ Chambers.
“I understand. I won’t go there again.”
“See that you don’t,” Austin said. “Back to why Mackenzie is in town. Any thoughts?”
He really wasn’t sure, and the more Wilde pushed, the more the desire to uncover the truth grew. “Maybe it’s like Jessie’s cousin, Charly. Maybe she just stumbled into town and decided to stay.”
Austin shook his head. “Charly came for the wedding.”
“And ended up falling for your cousins.”
“Yep. And you and Wade are like two little schoolboys around her.”
“You think so? Don’t worry. Nothing has changed about our nature. We’ll keep your unattached subs at the club trained and satisfied.”
“Good to know. See you around, Masters.”
“Sure thing, Wilde.”
As Austin headed to his wife, Wyatt wondered about what he’d said. Nothing about our nature has changed. He wasn’t sure if that was entirely true.
What had happened since her arrival in town had been so odd for them. Never had they been so laser focused on just one woman. He and Wade couldn’t keep focused on anything else whenever she was around, even though God knew they had a lot on their plates. Their land, which had been in their family for more than four generations, was likely to be lost—more than likely in truth. His jaw tightened. Who was behind the hostile maneuverings? Getting answers about the new lien holders was proving quite the challenge. Whenever they were able to get information on who held their note, it was useless. Their loan was being handed off to new lending companies faster than they could keep up. With each change, more and more charges were racking up, and all without a single signature from them. Whoever was behind this mess, he and his brother were going to find out, and when they did, there would be consequences to that person or persons.
Wyatt spotted Mackenzie tap one of the servers carrying a tray of drinks. His brother stood to the side, clearly satisfied with the results so far. She wasn’t bolting for the door. Not yet anyway.
He would love to throw out the plan and instead take her in his arms and trace his fingers over her skin. Not a good idea. A single stroke might unleash the hungry lust inside him. She needed a softer touch if they were ever going to get her to open up. Still, the image of her slung over his shoulder floated in the back of his head. It was a very nice image, indeed.
Suddenly, Mackenzie turned his direction. Their eyes locked for a moment, and then she glanced back at his twin. A part of him screamed in frustrated denial that she no longer looked at him. Damn it, why did he want her so much? He imagined her naked, writhing in screaming ecstasy beneath him. His fingers curled into tight fists as something he’d never felt rose up inside him. Jealousy.
He hated himself for it. He and Wade had been there for each other time and again. This was no time to fuck up their carefree days and fun-loving nights. But a wrench had been thrown into their lives by the name of Mackenzie Hill. Everything was off balance now. If he could take back the night when he and Wade had drank whiskey and come up with this wretched plan, he would. But it was too late. Much too late. Fuck.
“Hey, buddy. Looks like you need a drink.” The voice, feminine and seductive, was familiar to him. Shelby.
“Not drinking tonight,” he answered flatly.
“You seem out of sorts, Wyatt. What’s troubling you these days? It’s like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.”
He turned around and looked at the blonde sub. He hated that he was so transparent. Time to fix that, at least with Shelby. “You think so, sub? Lower your gaze, now,” he ordered in a hushed but forceful tone.
She obeyed instantly, as he knew she would. “Yes, Sir.” The tremble of her lips pleased him, though his cock didn’t seem to give a damn. Shit. Shelby had been a fun morsel who he and Wade had enjoyed many times at the club. He touched her naked neckline. Still no collar, no claim.
The woman in front of him might be just what he needed to get his mind off of Mackenzie and back onto finding out who was trying to gobble up his family land and fortune. His dick would come around eventually. Being only thirty-one, he’d never had need of Viagra to get hard. Whatever impact Mackenzie was having on him and his brother, a quick fuck would fix it. Had to.
He cupped Shelby’s chin. “You’re coming with me to the club, missy.”
“But what?”
“I came with a couple of friends. They’re expecting me to ride home with them.”
By her tone, he knew these were women and not men. “You’ll be riding something else tonight, missy. Go tell them you’ve got other plans. Then meet me out front. Understand?”
She nodded but didn’t move.
He grinned and subtly pinched her nipples through her blouse. No one around them seemed to notice when she let out a little yelp.
“Don’t make me wait, Shelby.” He released her tips and watched the sub race off to her friends. His cock still wasn’t impressed with his plan. Fuck.
He reached for his keys in his jeans’ pocket and glanced back at her. His hunger for Mackenzie hollowed out his insides. Wade stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders. He imagined her bound between him and his twin, her ass a nice pink from his favorite paddle, her lusty scent wafting up to his nostrils, her eyes unfocused in incredible pleasure.
He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was leaving with Wade. Mission accomplished. But instead of feeling pleased with the result, a possessive streak shot through him like a missile. Mine. Not Wade’s. Mine.
Am I losing my mind? He’d spent his whole life in Wilde. He’d always known that one day he and his twin would take a wife. Together. That was the Wilde way. Always had been. That was his family’s way. Always had been. That was what he and Wade had agreed on, though they both had confessed to each other that they preferred it happen many years down the road. Perhaps when they turned forty.
What was different now? Only one thing. Her.
When he saw Wade and Mackenzie walk out the door together, leaving the mansion, the urge to rush to them was overwhelming.
He closed his eyes and forced his will into submission. His breath and pulse slowed even though his lust boiled in his veins.
Mackenzie was in trouble. Austin was onto something. Why was she here in Wilde? Why did she stay? This was an impending train wreck, and if he didn’t leave the tracks soon, he and Wade might have more to deal with than just losing their land. But it wasn’t in him to walk away from her. He needed to know more, but even more, at the very center of his being, he needed her.
Shelby came up to him. “I’m ready to go, Sir.”
Anger and dread welled up inside him, not for this sub, but for something else, something difficult to put his finger on. As cute as Shelby was, she wasn’t the woman he wanted to be with tonight. There would be no fucking for him this evening. His dick wasn’t about to cooperate, and even if it was, he wasn’t having any of it.
Feelings were something he understood quite well in trainees and used to his advantage to get them to a state of submission. It was his own feelings that stumped him most of the time. He did have them, but they often seemed distant and abstract. He was practical and logical. What was it about Mackenzie that was impacting his mental state so strongly?
Only thing to do was to run this sub through some training. With his mind fixed on Mackenzie, there would be no sex tonight with Shelby, but a paddle in his hand might clear his head. Might.
Chapter Four
In a dark corner of the Wilde Mansion stood a man respected in the community. He intently watched the only remaining Masters twin exit with the ditzy blonde. The two brot
hers were playing into his hand perfectly.
The outsider, Mackenzie, was a bit of a mystery. He knew full well that she wasn’t here by happenstance. The investigators he’d put on her scent had yet to find anything on her. In fact, she didn’t even exist in the cyber world, which meant she was either on the run or was searching for something or someone. She didn’t have the demeanor of a federal agent but she did have some guts. That was evident. His mouth had watered the moment he’d seen her at Norma’s. Her long legs were exquisitely tanned. Full breasts. Flowing hair. Fucking her would be a delight, and he would fuck her. He might even take her down to his basement for his special brand of fun.
Maybe. Maybe soon even.
Playing it cool was his trump card, even though everything about her called to him. But until he knew her real story, he wasn’t about to risk all he’d worked for.
His plan was on track sans the one thing—the guy chained up in his house. Not a problem for him, actually quite enjoyable, though the prick did have incredible willpower. He’d known after only a couple of weeks the sweet morsel didn’t have anything on him or his bosses. If the guy had anything sensitive, his cohort would’ve already showed up at his front door with guns blazing.
But no one had come.
He should’ve killed the meddler two months ago, but he hadn’t been able to bring himself to do it. No other playmate had given him such delight. The pain the guy could endure was stunning. His tenacity and sheer guts had somehow kept him alive where others would’ve died long ago.
“May I get you a drink?” one of the attendants asked.
Cute female. “No thanks.”
He pictured her chained up and bleeding as she sauntered away.
The crowd was thinning.
Time to get back home and put some real screws to the tasty bastard.
He grinned as he walked to the door to leave.
Most would call him a sadist if they knew his secret side, especially given how much he enjoyed his work. Watching his victim’s last flicker of life, hearing their last breath, touching their dying flesh, all of it gave him immense pleasure.